Friday, June 9, 2017

Final Project: Check Up!

Written Answers:

1. The message of my design is to not only embrace yourself, but to have the courage to go beyond the many doors of your comfort zone to discover what truly makes you happy. It's about passing through trials to determine why life is worth living; what your purpose is, and that very hard to do, if you never stray from what you're used to. The final poster is supposed to be active and fantastical, implying that opening all those doors is worth it in the end.

2. In order to get to my final poster and to see the color entering each passing page, the observer has to open or unfold each door.

3. My color scheme is Split-Complementary, the colors being blue, purple, and green.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Photoshop Creature- Movement, Layers, and Tools

The most helpful photoshop tool I used to make this piece was the layer masks paired with a regular brush or eraser tool. It allowed me to create the blur around the cheetah, the tree in the foreground, the cat in the background, the teal hollow that said cat is jumping into, as well as the sunshine in the upper-left corner. It was useful in adding depth as well as points of emphasis in my artwork.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Juxtapose Project & Layers

I used a mask to create visual interest by replacing the pupil of this eye with an abandoned city beyond an empty, destroyed home. I was also able to change the color of the eye and the pupil so that they had blue and orange hues, complementary colors, with a mask. They say eyes are the window to the soul, as you can glean true intentions and a vast mixture of emotions from them. Naturally, I thought it would be interesting to use masks in photoshop to tell a story with the human eye, which is already an engaging sight on its own.

Logo Design Project- Sketches